Are you experiencing difficult emotions, such as frustration, anger, fear? Are you wanting change to fulfil you and yet unsure how to change?
I am here for stressed and busy teens and adults. If you’re worried about your young person’s well-being and ability to function on their own, in the family, in their peer group at school, I can help you. If you feel anxious that your teen isn’t listening to you or they don’t feel heard and are frustrated about it, I can help you to communicate more easily and openly together. If your teen says nothing and you feel scared they’re hiding difficult feelings, I can help. If you are feeling pressured to cope with all that’s expected of you, feel rising emotions like disappointment, irritation, stress, fear, vulnerability that don’t seem ok to talk about, I can help with talking about feelings as part of being human. Sensations, emotions and feelings are completely normal. If we find we are “hiding” our feelings, that’s problematic where it means suppressing our true selves in everyday living. You are definitely here to be true to yourselves, so let’s explore how to do that and feel really settled and calm.
I am present in a calm and grounded manner and you can sense my inner, peaceful centre and openness towards you.
If you’re anxious, you might be telling yourself you’ve got to do more of something or change yourself to cope better.
If you can’t tell anyone about your fears, I can be with you, with absolutely no judgment or criticism.
I can help you to listen to your heart and ease up.
I’m here to be your compassion coach.
If you’re feeling anxious, it may be that your energy moves up your body into your head, to try and solve the feelings you have. This usually means that you feel “ungrounded.” When that happens, you are more distanced from your grounded being and that is where you receive your sense of power. When our thinking separates from our being, we feel the tension of that distance and we are longing to be re-aligned, re-connected, grounded and present. I offer several practices, based on listening to your expressions of how things feel for you, that support grounding, centring, spaciousness and flow. The changes experienced are dramatic and when practised regularly, bring tangible changes to your lives. There is vastly more intelligence in the body’s nervous system than the thinking brain on its own. I can show you how to touch, connect with and make choices from this intelligence.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Embodied nonviolent communication is fundamental to all my coaching practices, but what is it?
NVC is an approach to communication developed by conflict resolution specialist Marshall B Rosenberg. It is based on the assumption that all human beings have capacity for compassion and empathy and that people only resort to violence or behaviour harmful to others when they do not recognise more effective strategies for meeting needs.
Why do we need embodied NVC?
We can find it hard to connect richly day by day, with ourselves as well as people in our families and workplaces. This also applies with issues in the world such as climate crisis, racism and poverty. We can imagine that some needs can only be met at the expense of others. We need a sense of solid ground supporting and nurturing all of us, so we can:
create care and compassion within ourselves
recognise what steals our ease and where we get into irritation and frustration
get in touch with what we really need and value – and learn how to communicate it
recognise when we find ourselves judging, blaming and criticising as our culture traditionally does
learn to listen with compassion and empathy to others
play with the quality of compassion with ourselves, that makes us more open and understanding about other people’s hard feelings and blamey expressions
integrate our feelings, thoughts and words as heartfelt expressions and empathy
Interested in finding out more?
Contact me to book an introduction and find out how I can start helping you today.