Upcoming Events
- Embodied Conflict Resolution and Nonviolent Communication One Day Summit https://www.theembodylab.com/schedule/embodied-conflict-resolution-nonviolent-communication
- The Embody Lab Creating Conscious Relationships: Grounded and Spacious Awareness Nurtures Vibrant and Authentic Relationships 2022
- Powerful Embodied Peace Compassionate Communication Six Week Course

View my talks from The Embodiment Conference
Archived Events
- The Wisdom of Pain
- 5 week Course – Embodied Nonviolent Communication
- 3 Week Course – Embodied Nonviolent Communication
- Embodiment Festival 2023 “Transforming Reactivity to Experiences and Resistances”
- Connecting Eindhoven Community Weekend
- Powerful Embodied Peace
- Introduction to Embodied Nonviolent Communication
- Intro to Nonviolent Communication
- Intro to Embodied Nonviolent Communication
- Embodied Nonviolent Communication Workshop
- Embodied Nonviolent Communication with Grief and Mourning